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Our house in Budapest, Hungary




Basic cost is $3700, which pays for:

·       Airfare Denver-Europe and back

·       A month of ground travel, accommodations, travel insurance, food, and spiritual           formation


However, we have created three different options for purchasing plane tickets, which will affect your costs. The options are:

1. Pay the regular price, $3700, and we buy your plane ticket, which will fly out of and back to Denver. You are responsible for getting to and from Denver.

2. Purchase your own ticket to Lourdes (arriving on July 4th) from whatever city is most convenient for you, as well as your return tickets. Price is reduced by $1400 to be $2300.

3. Reduce your price by $1400, but pay our agent to purchase a ticket for you out of, and back to, a city of your choosing. Estimated cost for the agent is $1575, putting your total cost at $3875.


Cost does not include travel to/from Denver, snacks and souvenirs, additional travel in Europe or additional cost of a flight home to a different city or later flight home.


$100-250 should be enough spending money for someone traveling with us until August 3rd. 


For those staying after August 3rd, costs may increase $50-100.  


Payment Plan


We know that $3700 is a lot of money to pay all at once, and that fundraising takes time. You can pay your way in chunks by the following dates:


$200 deposit due October 8 - this reserves your spot

$500 due December 31

$500 due January 31

$500 due February 28

$500 due March 31

$500 due April 30

$1000 due May 31


Late Payments

Both applications and payments incur a $25 fee for every week they are late.


Ways Your Cost Might Be Less

Core team members receive $200 off.

Service team members receive $100 off.

Pilgrims receive $50 for each friend they got to sign up.




Money still intimidating you? Read about how to fundraise.



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